Anna Maria Junus
The Orchards of Marina Colleen, Roses & Daisies, and The Twelve Days of Christmas
Recommendations From Blackberry Cottage
Websites, podcasts, youtube videos, books, movies, blogs, the things that I like so much. This is ongoing. Suggestions are welcome.

The History Chicks - Two women, hundreds of stories about historical women. Lots of fun and lots of recommendations for further study.
The Secret Life of Canada - Two women talk about the lesser known history of favorite areas in Canada.
You Must Remember This - The history of Hollywood.
Old Radio Programs - Go back in time to before television and listen to what your grandparents did. Some of thesee were the precursor to classic television.
Year of Polygamy - Mormon polygamy from the beginning to current days.
Mormon Stories - John Dehlin interviews Mormons with various perspectives of being Mormon.
Escaping Nxivm - The story of a woman who was a top person in the cult of Nxivm and how she got away.
Ravelry - Knitter, Croceheter Weaver? This is a great place to keep track of your stash, find new patterns, and connect with other yarnies.
YouTube Channels
Timeline: World History Documentaries - If you think life is hard now, you really wouldn't want to live back then.
The Honest Guys - Honestly I don't like their name. It makes me suspicious. But I do like their mediation videos. They offer a wide variety from just 5 miinutes to over an hour. Whether you want to go to sleep or be energized they have it here for you. My favorites are the fantasy ones where they take you to different worlds.
Yoga With Adriene - Whether you've got 5 minutes or an hour, if you're a pro or just starting out, if you're in great physical shape or have problems with your knees, neck or other joints, Adriene has a workout for you. And every year for a month she puts out a daily workout video series. This is yoga anyone can do.