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Anna Maria Junus

Queen of Everything: The Warrior

Category: Body

Symbol: Shield

Color: Red

Word: Strength

I know, I know, I know. I started this series back in January, wrote three posts for it, and then didn't write anything more.

Twenty lashes to myself. Which frankly, is not a nice thing to do to my Warrior.

To fully understand what I'm talking about, go back and read the previous posts - or at the very least the first post. It will greatly explain the context better.

So now that we've dealt with the mind, we're moving onto the body.

Honestly, for me this is the hardest one of all.

Without the body you can't do anything. Well maybe you can but then you're just spirit and we don't quite understand how that works. Do you just float around? Sit on clouds? Haunt people? Check people into heaven? We don't know. So let's deal with what we do know. The Warrior is in charge of the body. It is the Warrior that makes us exercise when we would rather sit on the couch and watch I Love Lucy reruns all day. Note - there is nothing wrong with watching I Love Lucy reruns because that takes care of another aspect of us. However at some point, the Warrior is going to be annoying and tell you to stop doing that because you are starting to meld with the couch.

The Warrior chooses what we eat. Admittedly, it doesn't always choose wisely. Some Warriors are all about eating only things that grow out of the ground and blessed by Gaia, and others will only feed you factory made food made from plastic and corn syrup.

The Warrior takes us to the doctor and the dentist even though it's scary, painful and embarrassing. The Warrior takes care of our skin, hair and teeth. The Warrior makes sure we take our vitamins and medications. The Warrior sends us to bed when we would rather stay up and vanquish the evil war lords and save the princess.

And get this, the Warrior suits us up for the war out there.

That's right. It's the Warrior that chooses what we wear and how to present ourselves.

Think about it. Soldiers have different uniforms for different occasions. They have workout clothes, a casual uniform, camouflage, protective gear, and a dress uniform. In days of old, Warriors had full armor that was hard to move in but saved them from swords through the heart.

And so the Warrior gathers information about the occasion and picks the uniform to appear in. If you're a lawyer your uniform for work is a power suit. If you're a woman you'll often put on war paint. For a night out you'll put on more war paint and dress up possibly with stiletto heels that you can use as weapons. If you're working out you wear practical clothes that allow you to move and won't totally embarrass you if you keel over from a heart attack and people come to check to see if you have on clean and unholy underwear.

The war out there calls for appropriate clothing for the occasion or you could get stabbed through the heart.

It's the Warrior that takes the money the Steward gives, the knowledge that the Scholar provides, and goes clothes and food shopping.

You want the Warrior to be on your side otherwise the Warrior might put you in several clashing floral prints and make you eat nothing but beans and rutabagas.

Here's the other thing about the Warrior. Even though the Warrior makes you do hard things, like exercise and go to the dentist, the Warrior works best by being appreciated.

So if you're disgusted by your thighs, the tire around your middle, and the shape of your feet, and you complain that you hate your nose, the Warrior hears that and decides that it's too hard to fix these things and will simply retreat and not work for you.

Want to eat potato chips and root beer floats for days? The Warrior will let you because the Warrior won't care. You do nothing but complain anyway so why should she bother?

Few of us get the body we really want. We all have flaws. Some of us have permanent problems that can't be fixed. Our bodies age. Pregnancy changes us and deforms some of us so that we look nothing like that beauty queen we were at twenty. Accidents happen. We get diseases. Hair falls out and the hair follicles migrate to different parts of your body where you don't want it. Seriously - I have never had a problem with facial hair but now in my 50's I'm plucking my beard. Just saying.

We need to be grateful for what our body can do. Because someone else may not be able to do what we can and wishes they could. So if we want our Warrior to work for us, we need to stop complaining about what our Warrior has to work with. And it's hard. I mean I just did it with that hair thing. Besides, it's it more inspiring to think of our self as a Warrior than to think about what other kids called us in gym class.


The Canadian Woman being honored today is...

Nancy Greene (1943 - )

Nancy Greene is a 1968 Olympic Medal winner for alpine skiing as well as winner of a bunch of other athletic skiing awards. She did Mars bars commercials and became a senator in BC. She was born in Ottawa Ontario but grew up in BC which is a good thing because BC has a lot of mountains for her to ski down.

And she too has the Order of Canada. I want one of those. There I said it.

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