A bride for Isaac was found at a well. Jacob found Rachel at a well. Moses found his wife at a well. In the Old Testament, it appears that the well was the place to pick up chicks.
In the New Testament, things change a bit. Gabrielle comes to Mary while she’s at the village well, and tells her the plan for her to give birth to the Son of God. Thirty years later, that baby, now grown, approaches a woman at the well and tells her who she is, causing her to run to the village and announce the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.
The well was an important place for women. Not only was it the place to get water for her household, but also it was the time when women gathered to tell each other the latest news, exchange concerns, give encouragement and advice, and share some laughter and tears.
It’s interesting that the backbreaking labour of getting water was given to women, instead of to men who could lift and carry those buckets far easier. Yet women turned it into the social event of their day.
Water is a necessity of life, to drink, to cook, to clean. Without it we can’t survive.
In the Old Testament, they came to the well for water.
But in the New Testament, the Water came to them.
such an interesting post.. in India too, wells are/were a gathering place for women, and it was their job to carry water back home for various needs - vidya