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The Word

Anna Maria Junus

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life and that life was the light of all mankind. – John 1:1-4 NKJV

The bible is frequently referred to as the word of God. And it is. But it isn’t The Word. The Word is God. Jesus is The Word who was in the beginning with the Father and who created the earth and all on it.

Christians have a tendency to worship the word of God instead of The Word Himself. The bible, although valuable and essential can become an idol in the Christian’s hands and they often fail to ask for the Holy Spirit to whisper to them as they read it.

But the bible, more than words on the page, needs the spirit. For our understanding of the words is based on where we are right now. The words stay the same, but the meanings can change based on what we need or what we understand. That can be a good thing.

However sometimes we get caught up in just believing what we are told. There are traditions in Christianity where what has been interpreted hundreds of years ago, is still accepted without question.

For instance we may fully believe that Eve was either evil, or stupid, or purposely disobedient, because that’s what we’ve been told over and over. Or we may think that Mary Madeleine was a prostitute because someone said it often enough – even though there is nowhere in the bible that says she was. Or we may think that Mary, the mother of Jesus was a very young teenager because we’ve been told that, even though there is nowhere in the bible that states her age.

So we need the Holy Spirit with us as we read the bible.

Not long ago I saw a video of a young woman, claiming to be a Satanist, ripping apart a bible in an act of desecration for those who were following her.

First thing this does is show that even Satanists know how important the bible is, otherwise, why attack it?

Secondly, it was laughable. There are millions of bibles throughout the world. Christians often have several in their homes and even more on their phones and computers and tablets. The idea that ripping up a bible is going to negatively impact Christianity is absurd. Christianity is more than a bible.

But lets say that somehow, all the bibles are no more. Every last one is gone, and none are accessible on phones anymore. Imagine you cannot have access to the bible.

Would The Word cease to exist?

Of course not! The Word will always exist. Further, we can always have a relationship with The Word, always be guided by Him, and feel His spirit, even if we never have access to a bible again. No one can take the The Word from you. Not a government, not a ideology, not laws of the land. Not even Satan and all his demons. Only you can sever yourself from The Word.

The word of God is valuable and we should delve into it everyday, but it is The Word that we should be worshipping, not the book you hold in your hand, but the relationship you hold in your heart.



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