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Align: England

Anna Maria Junus

Message from Matthew 3. Those who have not borne any fruit or good fruit, will be cut down and burned. Basically, make your life matter for something good. It doesn't have to be big and snazzy, or famous

or money making. You just have to do good.


I've often been confused by England. Is it a country? What is Britain? how is it part of the UK? It's like it has a schizophrenic identity and can't decide what it is. So I went looking and I'm still confused.

England is a nation and part of the UK along with Wales, Scotland, and parts of Ireland. It's on the island of Great Britain (I did not know that was an island) in the Atlantic Ocean, and For centuries it was probably the most powerful kingdom in the world until the USA took that spot - sorry England. Although technically the USA isn't a kingdom - but you get what I mean. It used to be said that "the sun never sets on the British Empire", because those English people liked to own everything. India, Canada, Hong Kong, etc. I'm not even sure if they own England anymore.

I want to go to England one day. It's at the very top of my bucket list. It's also one of my heritage countries. My maternal grandmother came from Kent. She traveled to Canada as a WWI war bride.

I love, love English history (it's my favourite history - especially the soap opera of the royals), English tv shows (hello Hyacinth Bucket), English architecture (Victorian, Tudor, Gothic), English novels. Some of my favourite writers come from England. (Agatha, Enid, Clive). England is the birthplace of English the unofficial language of the world. Note: Even if King Arthur were real, you can't go back in time to King Arthur and understand anyone because the English is a whole other language than what it is now, which makes writing time travel difficult unless you put in some kind of means where you can understand people. I'm talking centuries before Shakespeare. Try reading Beowulf in the original. I grew up in a city in Canada that was often compared to England, we were even sent the two story London buses - which only tourists rode except for the "be a tourist in your own town" days. We had a picture of the Queen in our classrooms and we sang "God Save the Queen" and because I lived in a capital city, sometimes the royals would come to visit and go through the special doors in the Legislative buildings reserved for the Queen. I have a lot of English friends on social media.

And there's some amazing women in England who I admire for their pro-women stances and their willingness to fight for what is right. I would love to spend time with them one day, in real life, not just on the internet, and go to a Let Women Speak gathering and tea afterwards. And so I'm praying for them and that they can right the wrongs that have been done to women's rights in the name of "inclusion" by the men's rights groups who have declared war on women. I am also praying for common sense when it comes to immigration and protests. That's gone crazy there too.



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Feb 06
Rated 1 out of 5 stars.

So you block people on X because you don’t want to hear opposed opinions. You are a Sandy Hook shill throwing shade at others like Alex without understand both sides. You cant seem to forgive others when you claim to be Christian. WWJD. Try practicing what you preach.


Jan 24



Jul 04, 2024

Interesting to read about your take on England - they will be our (Switzerland's) opponent at the European Soccer Championship quarterfinals this coming Saturday :-)

The British Empire no longer controls these countries, having granted them independence decades ago.



Jul 04, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

The histories of all the European countries, including England, are complex and intriguing. Learning from accurate versions of history might help us avoid the mistakes of the past.

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