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Anna Maria Junus

Queen of Everything 5: Mother Earth

All right - part five in the Queen of Everything series. If you are not in the know, then check out these previous posts, or at the very least post number one which makes an attempt at explaining things. Please read number one, otherwise I will sound crazy. Okay, I'll sound crazy anyway, but I'll sound less crazy. 1. Queen of Everything: Words Matter

Mother Earth

Category: Body

Symbol: House

Color: Green

Word: Nurture


Mother Earth gets no respect. She's the drudge. Like the Steward who takes care of the money, goes to work, and pays the bills, Mother Earth is the one who does the chores. She's not appreciated and most of her work is not liked. But without her it's hard for the other personalities to do the jobs that they do.

Mother Earth does the laundry so there's clean clothes to wear, washes the dishes so there's plates to eat from, cooks the meals, runs the errands, takes care of car maintenance, washes the floor, does the yard work - anything to do with creating an environment that is clean and happy. She gets all the household chores including scrubbing the toilet. If something needs fixing she either fixes it or gets someone who can.

Mother Earth doesn't always want to do these things, although some people's Mother Earths are happier doing it than others. My Mother Earth really hates this type of stuff, but I appreciate a clean and organized home so every now and then she gets roused and goes about doing her work while wishing that the Steward or better still the Story Teller (more on that character later) could make enough money so she could hire someone else to do it.

So the next time I have to do these things I'll just keep repeating to myself "I am Mother Earth. I am blessing you by taking care of your environment. Scrubbing the grout in the shower is nurturing you." Maybe if I played Enya while I did it, I could convince myself.

But that is not all that Mother Earth does.

And you thought we were done here. Mother Earth consults with the other characters to figure out needs. She does the home decor and makes sure that there's good lighting, scented candles, comfortable chairs, practical work surfaces and the necessary tools. She puts up art work and puts out vases of flowers. She knows the difference between needing just a mug of tea, and needing an entire pot with the good cups and saucers. She allows pizza in front of a movie but sometimes insists on a sit down, table set, talk to your loved ones type of meal. She tells you that the good china and the good linens are meant to be used and enjoyed and she reminds you that what you have is good enough. She reminds you to take a jacket, put on your sunscreen, and put your feet up. When your heart is broken she tells you to have a good cry and then she says "now dry your eyes, get up, and deal with it." When you complain about your job, your relationships, your living conditions, your finances, or your circumstances, she says "So what are you going to do about it?" A good Mother Earth says "So what are you going to do about it?" a lot. She also says "Stop whining, count your blessings, and enjoy what you have," a lot. She also says, "If this is what you want, then go and get it." If you've been alone too long she tells you to call a friend. If you've been inside too long she tells you to go for a walk. If you're stressed out she tells you to listen to music and read a book. While the Steward takes care of the finances, the Scholar takes care of the knowledge, the Warrior is in charge of the body, it's Mother Earth who takes care of the environment and all the characters in that environment. Mother Earth is the connector of the Spirit characters to the Mind/Body characters. She's practical, but also loves beauty. She's compassionate but will also kick your butt when you need it.

Mother Earth may be the drudge, but she is so much more. *****

Today's Canadian Woman is... Marilyn Denis (1958 - )

She was born in Edmonton Alberta, grew up in the states, but then came back to Canada to work as a reporter and later a television host. Host of Cityline and the Marilyn Denis Show, she's been bringing home decorating, recipes, family life, and all kinds of home related subjects to Canadians for years.

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