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Morning Glow - Keep To Yourself

Anna Maria Junus

There are three kinds of morning people.

The first kind keeps to themselves. They take those precious early hours and they exercise, meditate, write in journals, fill out their planners, do yoga, do household chores, get themselves ready for the day, work on projects, pray, make lists, read, repeat affirmations, count their blessings, prep their dinner meal, garden, write books, study, learn a language, – in other words, they get stuff done and they don’t bother other people about it. They know they have a limited amount of time before they have to face the day and other people, so they take that time and focus on themselves and their routines. These people are the jewels of morning people. If you’re going to be a morning person, then be like this person. The angels sing hallelujahs over their heads and the fairies festoon them with invisible glitter and magic powers. These are the happy unicorns of the world. Admire them, learn from them, but don't bother them in the morning.

Then there’s the happy morning people. These people love morning so much that they want to tell everyone about it. They don’t understand why there are so many people who don’t love mornings. They sing good morning to you, call you on the phone to chat, or call you on the phone to tell you about all the plans they have for you to do for them. These people are like the first group of people in that they like to get things done – but instead of keeping it to themselves, they have to inflict everyone with their do – goodery. Sure baking muffins for people is nice. But showing up on the doorstep at 6 in the morning with them and wanting to chat, isn’t. These are the people you want to throw your coffee at so they can have a taste of real life. Then there’s the grumpy morning people. No, these are not the people who reluctantly get out of bed in the morning because they have to, and stumble through. Those people keep to themselves. Those people are okay. Not everyone likes mornings. They don't inflict themselves on others. They want to be left alone because they simply can't deal with anything or anyone. They have to put their energy into doing hard stuff - like brushing their teeth. See this clip art lady. She's not a morning person. She just wants her coffee and to be let alone. She's okay as long as you don't corner her and make demands on her.

Nope, grumpy morning people choose to be up early because they’ve been taught since they were little that sleeping past seven is a sin even if you don't have to be somewhere, and they want you to suffer too! They inflict themselves on you. They call businesses at 6 am and are furious to discover that no one is in the office. How dare people be at home sleeping in their beds instead of up and ready to deal with them! These people honk at you in traffic, yell at you because your tree is shedding leaves on their lawn, don’t stop for school buses, get mad when children play outside, and start their day with voices that register on par with jack hammers. Sure there are grumpy people throughout the day – but morning grumpy people like to start early on the grump and make everyone’s life miserable because misery loves company. You need to avoid these people. Give this animal a wide berth because they will bite you. I work for an answering service on graveyard shift from late night to early morning. I never get the first group of people. Those ones are busy getting on with their day and improving themselves. They don’t much care for dealing with people at that time of day because people are an interruption to their carefully planned routines of solitude.

And I don't get the non-morning people. They're falling asleep on the toilet or looking at their feet trying to figure out why they have on one brown shoe and one black shoe. I do get the other two kinds of morning people. Here’s a piece of information for these groups. People don’t want to deal with you at 6 am. You’re annoying. The answer will be no. Offices don’t open that early. You will never be loved. Go back to bed or become a unicorn.


Today's Canadian Woman is...

Justice Bertha Wilson (1923 - 2007) First woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada.

To find out more about her and the laws she was instrumental in creating that have helped women including recognizing "battered women syndrom", you can check out her Wikepedia page.

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