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Anna Maria Junus

Free For All Friday: The Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2022

It's the ultimate blog challenge again. Time to resurrect my blog. Not that it died, but I just haven't been blogging because I'm flakey like pie crust.

So of course I have to go from one extreme to another. Every day for a month I will be blogging. Or attempting to. And I invite all to come join the party. There will be cake. See!

All right, I've mentioned pie and cake already. I'm trying to cut down on sugar. Maybe that has something to do with it.

I've discovered that this is much easier when I assign each day a theme. I looked back at what I did before and I like it, so I'll stick to it. Inspirational Sunday - When I pretend to be a minister.

Make it Monday - I show off what I've made! It might be a book, a cross stich picture, a lovely meal, knitted socks, or maybe I might show you one of the people I made. So many of my books surround crafty people and I'm a crafty person. Not like in crafty like a fox - great, now I have a picture in my head of a fox knitting, which caused me to go looking for one and found several but they all cost money so you'll have to use your imagination.

Treasure Tuesday - This is writing day. So it might be writing advice, or an interview with an author, or a biography of a famous writer, anything to do with writing. Hey, anyone want to do an interview?

Women Wednesday - This is a focus on an interesting woman in history. I love history. And since I write about women, and my main audience is women (although I'm quite happy to have male readers too), I really like women's history.

Throw Back Thursday - I delve into my archives and bring out something I wrote long ago. It might make my children cringe.

Free For All Friday - Like today! This is anything I feel like writing about that doesn't fit into another category.

Stomping Ground Saturday - My Marina Colleen books take place on Vancouver Island where I live. So it seems appropriate to show some of this beautiful place. Also, it looks like I might have a free book for you for a limited time. Details to follow. We will be doing a countdown.



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