Free For All Friday:What Is In Fashion for Men This Year?
The day of writing about anything I please. *****
Note: Before I continue, let me first scream over frustration that this post doesn't look exactly the way I want it too. Be aware - I know it's not as pretty as it could be. Blame the gremlins in the computer.
Not that long ago, men dressed like this.

Or if they were adventurous, they might have dressed like this.

Of course there's always the classic singing cowboy look.

Personally, I really like the professor thing.

But something has happened in the world, and now men's runway fashions look a little bit different.
Here we have some selections from the latest Thom Brown line at the 2020 Vogue fashion show.

Coming down the runway is the latest in the playing card line. Make sure you bring the umbrella that does not protect you from rain, snow, or sun. But it is handy for carrying your purse, your shopping bags and any birds that would like to roost. Just don't get caught out in the rain, because playing cards disintegrate.

I know, you have built up your upper arms so much that you can't find a jacket to fit. Problem solved! (Shhh, we've also solved your extended member problem with a baseball codpiece). And for that sporty look, don't forget your ball bag. With this outfit you're always up for a game!

I actually like this jacket. I want one.
But the skirt, although pretty, and a lovely pink color just looks squished under the jacket. It needs to be a narrow skirt, no pleats. Any length. That socks and heels thing has got to go - it's too 70's and it didn't work then. Either get rid of the socks or have pastel socks with pastel tennies - or a pretty flat no socks would be nice too.
The headband needs disappear as well. That's too 80's and it wasn't a good look then. Either nothing, or a pretty wide brimmed hat trimmed in more pastel colors. You could even carry on the seashell theme from the jacket.
The jacket is the star in this outfit but there's too much going on that's fighting it.

Backstage can get pretty crazy and there might not be time to fully change, or you could lose your skirt and petticoats in the mayhem.
Still, the show must go on even if it means prancing around in your underwear.
However the underwear matching the tie is a nice touch.

The perfect social distancing outfit for when you play basketball. Your opponents won't be able to get near you with that lovely floral arrangement on your sleeves. Perfect to get down to the basket and make that shot!
And oh look! Isn't that so cute! Your big basketball has a baby! That will surely win the ladies hearts.

And here we have another lovely example of the playing card look. The only suggestion I can make for these, is that they need an added logo. Either a K, a Q, a J, or an A, along with a heart, spade, club or diamond. Hey, but you don't need to stick to the classic red and black. Pink and blue would be a nice change. If you can convince 52 of your friends to wear this, you can have real life card games! Poker would take on a whole new meaning.

We're stepping back in time to the old fashioned girdle. But who knew that it could be outerwear! Well it can when you clip on a flowey skirt, and top it off with a bolero jacket. And isn't that a cute pouch in the front for your phone and keys?

And here we have the same look only with a pleated skirt suit. Of course you could wear this suit without the girdle, but why would you want to look like all the other guys? And hey, while the other guys are searching through their purses for their phones, you can just whip yours out.

Now who doesn't like a man in blue?
With whales.
And white face makeup.
I'm just kidding. Of course this is pajamas and robe, and that isn't make up. That's night cream. And the headband is to hold his hair back so it doesn't get in the night cream.
The only thing he's missing here is his pale blue teddy bear.
So that's the end of the fashion show. I hope you enjoyed it.
And for me and all you other ladies, I thought I would post a couple of other pictures here.

There's something about an Aussie in a vest.

It's Sam and Dean. No explanation needed.