Spiritual Sunday: The Poetry Corner - Harvest Apples
Anna Maria Junus
The day of pretending I'm a minister, or in this case, the day of pretending I'm a poet. *****
Harvest Apples
by Anna Maria Junus

We plant seeds to give them life,
We nourish them so they may grow,
Whisper words of love and kindness,
And tell them what we know we know,
We watch them bloom into their pink
They offer shade to escape the heat,
And learn to share the love and kindness,
To all those who walk their street.

Then one day the harvest comes,
Shiny apples, ripened round,
Which create new seeds of kindness,
To plant in fertile solid ground,
And so the circle keeps on circling,
Planting, growing, harvest, fall,
Are our apples sweet or bitter?
Giving nothing, or giving all?