Stomping Ground Saturday: Fibre Libraries
What is that you say? A fibre library? Is it made out of the brutalized husks of bamboo stomped down by little children? Or perhaps the cotton balls collected by failed Mary Kay distributers? Or the hides of Big Foot and the Ogopogo? I don't know about where you live, but here on the west coast and in the town I lived in Alberta we have little book libraries all over the place. They're housed in tiny ornamental structures that allow you to take a book or leave a book. This is not that. But it is similar. Only instead of books, it's craft supplies, like yarn, and knitting needles, and yarn.
Now, due to the fact that I worked in a yarn shop for a few years, I have my own yarn shop in my house, so I have no need of these lovely fairy houses packed with yarn free for the taking. But it makes me happy to see these for all those people that need a yarn fix and create magical things from bits of sticks and string. So here's a link to it for more info. Now, I will say, that Vancouver is not exactly my stomping ground. I have to cross the water to get there, but if I didn't have to cross the water it would only be about twenty minutes away. And no we don't want to build a bridge because then we would just become a suburb of Vancouver like all those other cities around it - and we don't want that. Not that there's anything wrong with Vancouver, but it has a different vibe than Vancouver Island, even though they share a name which really confused me when I was a kid growing up in Victoria. Boy, did I get off topic with that one! Okay, so here's the link to an article about the magic fairy houses of yarn. Fairy Houses of Yarn (because my title is better than theirs)
Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya! Tomorrow! You're only a day away. Will you love me, tomorrow...
Okay, I've run out of Tomorrow songs.
But, the magic is coming tomorrow! From April 10 - 14, you can take a trip to The Orchards of Marina Colleen for FREE. Shopping in specialty shops and boutiques, exotic meals and coffee, chocolates and piles of craft supplies and books, Crazy Gary and hot Tony, an impromptu performance, all on a beautiful Pacific island (it is too a Pacific island because it's an island on the Pacific). What more could you want?
And while you're there picking up your FREE book, check out the other two books in this never ending series.
Here's a link to that series! Enjoy! Oh, and spread the word!
The Orchards of Marina Colleen