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Stomping Ground Saturday: In the Harbour

Anna Maria Junus

The day of exploring my corner of the world. *****

Note: I am in the process of figuring out how to make it easier to comment on my posts. Your comments are very much appreciated and wanted.


Nanaimo BC is a called the Harbour City, because it's right on the harbour, although you could pretty much say that of most of the towns and cities on the island. There are very, very, few inland towns because the island is pretty mountainous and there's only one main road that doesn't even go completely around the island. You can go up the east side almost to the tip, and only part of the way up the west side. Besides, when you live on an island, why wouldn't you want to live by the sea? If you want to live in the mountains I could recommend some towns in the Rockies. In Nanaimo you can live on a mountain and by the sea all in the same house. Nanaimo is famous for Nanaimo bars. And maybe one day I'll make some and post a recipe. Or maybe I'll just buy some and take a picture. Anyway, I went for a walk today because I hated all my pictures and I took some more bad pictures. This is just a small section of the harbour front. I took these in the evening before the sun goes down because I'm a vampire who sleeps all day and works a graveyard shift at night. That's what you do when you move to a beautiful island where the flowers bloom all year long and the sun shines and it doesn't get too cold. You work a job where you don't get to see the daytime.

We will start our tour with a lovely picture of the harbour with the city in the background.

Usually this section is filled with boats. Fishing boats, cruise boats, boats owned by people who prefer to RV on the water, yachts, explorers, rich millionaires escaping the law. But between Covid and October, everyone has gone home and it's just the locals now. These pictures look sadder than it actually is.

Closed for the season. Trollers, which makes excellent fish and chips, is on the water. Last year they had a fire which shut them down and delayed opening for the summer. This year was Covid. I guess the fish don't want to be deep fried.

This is where you walk. You can talk too. When it's not covid, buskers hang out here and it's filled with people, even in October. But now, even the vending machines are lonely.

In the upper left corner is the Military Museum, which I'll go to one day and come back and report. And the upper right is the Port Theater for live events. I haven't been there either. It requires money.

Another shot of the almost empty harbour.

This is the ferry to Protection Island. Unlike the BC ferries, you can't put a car on this one.

One of the apartment buildings on the harbour. It looks like a cruise ship to me.

And here it is beside the one that looks like a lighthouse. They call this Cameron Island. It was an island, but they've connected it so it's not an island anymore but they still call it one because I guess they like the name. These are not cheap condo's by the way. Prices run into 600,000 for a two bedroom condo. It's all about the view folks.

I just thought this was a pretty neat shot.

And for some strange reason, this looks like a painting. I don't know how that happened. If someone could tell me what I did here I'd like to know.

It's a clock! And you can see what time I took this picture. And there's Port Theatre in the background. And look - flowers.

I don't know what this is. A gate into Narnia? Maybe there's some explanation on the side.

Nope. Can't read it. I should have walked through the gate to see where it would lead me.

No matter where you go, the police will be there.

BC Ferry to Gabriola Island. I took a picture of the terminal but my phone won't release it to my computer. Maybe I took a picture of something incriminating?

It's a rabbit.

And here's a seagull that thinks it's a duck.

Flowers because they're pretty.

More flowers. I have no idea what they are. But they remind me of girls in fluffy layered dresses.

No, it's not apples. It's flowers. Okay, I don't know what this is.

Either Sasquatch or a Mammoth is disguising itself as a tree.

And we will end our little tour with a row of pink dancing princesses to show that October isn't all yellow and orange pumpkins.



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Oct 05, 2020

Thanks for the tour of Nanaimo. Who knows, one day I might visit to take some pictures for myself. In the meantime, when it is dark, I'll Blog on!


Oct 04, 2020

Wow, Anna Maria, what spectacular pictures! I agree with you that the apartment building looks like a cruise ship. Your sense of humor had me laughing as I moved through your article. Thanks for brightening up my day.

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