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Stomping Ground Saturday: Ponderings While Looking At Pictures of Neck Point on the Day In Between

Anna Maria Junus

The Day In Between. Is there a name for it? The day between the Crucifixion and the Resurrection? The day when all seemed lost and the apostles wondered what it was all for, and what were they supposed to do next?

The day when Mother Mary cried her eyes out over her dead son, and Mary

Magdalene cried her eyes out over the man she loved beyond any one she could ever love? The day after the earth itself rocked from the pain, and the veil in the temple was torn from the top to the bottom, and the followers were left numb from the shock, and even the centurion was left in his misery over the part he had played, not knowing until after, what he had actually done.

One long lonely day, when the promises seemed gone forever and the walk through life said "all alone" with each footstep.

The hope of miracles was gone. There would be no more bringing the sick and the blind, and the deaf, and the lame to him for him to heal. There would be no more words of wisdom and shared miracle bread and fish.

There would be no more children on His knee, or hanging on His shoulders.

Instead there would be rocky terrain. and treacherous paths.

They did not know. They did not know that there would be the day after the day after.

When the promises would be fulfilled and hope would be restored and the loss would be the greatest win of all

First, they had to experience the bareness of the nothing, in order to feel the canopy of His love.

First they had to go through the dark day. Before they could see the light.


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