Queen of Everything 6: The Mystic
In order to understand what the Queen of Everything posts are about, you need to travel back in time a few months and read previous posts, or at the very least the very first post. That's the one that says it's 1. And to make it easy for you, you can step into the time machine down below. I'll wait. Don't go far. Don't get lost. Come back to me.
All right - so now you're all caught up. Or at least I'll pretend you are. You'll notice that I have divided them up into three parts. The mind, the body, and the spirit. You'll also notice that The Steward and the Scholar are the mind characters while The Warrior and Mother Earth take care of the body.
As for the spirit - there's five characters, possibly six. Because we are not bodies who have a spirit, we are spirits who have a body. And the reason I say possibly six is because I don't have that sixth character but many of you do so I just have to come up with a name for it and we'll call it a bonus character. I'd like to have this character, but it's just not happening for me right now. Am I being mysterious enough? But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's talk about the first of the five spirit characters.
The Mystic
Category: Spirit
Symbol: Sun, Moon and Stars
Color: Yellow Word: Faith
Many people will claim they don't have a Mystic, they don't need a Mystic, shut up about the Mystic, and there's no such thing as a Mystic. And I shouldn't capitalize Mystic. And that's fine. If you don't want a Mystic then you don't have to develop that part of you. You can hide your Mystic away deep into the closet high on a shelf under boxes that you never look into. That is your choice. But for many of us, the Mystic is the center of our soul. This is the character that believes and even senses spiritual entities. Some would call that God or Allah. Others will have a different name for it. Gaia, for instance, or Holy Spirit or The Force that is with you. It doesn't matter how you choose to view it, or call it, the point is that the Mystic taps into this. The Mystic is the character that takes care of the spirit. They read uplifting and or sacred material, sing hymns, and perform rituals like lighting candles or counting beads. It's the Mystic that takes you to church or synagogue or mosque or a spiritual center and begs you to be quiet long enough to listen and to feel. The Mystic often has other senses. It's the Mystic who calls someone and discovers that they were needed right at that moment. Remember that time your Mother called you just when you were going through a really rough patch? And you picked up the phone and she said "what's wrong?" And you wondered how she knew? Well, that was not only her Mystic, but it was your Mystic calling out to her.
The Mystic will sense when someone is watching them, or knows what happened before they could possibly know what happened, or sees something in her mind that is going to happen. The Mystic may be able to read the energy in a room, or feel it in a building. The Mystic may have an unspoken bond with animals or children, or they may sense people who are in need and attract those people to them. They might have dreams that are premonitions. Often the more practical scholar will tell the Mystic that they're imagining things and then feel stupid when the thing the Mystic saw comes true. Strong Mystics are empathic, which can be exhausting for them. Generally the Mystic character is very private. If a person is running around shouting from rooftops about their Mystic abilities, it's likely that's not the Mystic talking, but rather the Steward that's gone rogue. For instance, televangelists are not speaking from the Mystic and often they have squelched their own Mystic to make way for the rogue Steward. (note - The Steward is not a bad character but it is a necessary and useful character, but in the need for money the Steward can get out of control).
There are some writers who write from their Mystic center. C.S. Lewis, Marianne Williamson, and Maya Angelou for instance. That's why the wisdom of these people is often quoted extensively. Many artists and musicians tap into the Mystic part of them to create. The Mystic is often creative and wise. Although many Mystics do go to a place of worship, for some that place isn't a building. It could be the top of a mountain after a long hike, by the ocean, in a garden, or any place where they find peace. Even an atheist can find their Mystic through the wonder of the night time sky, or the worlds they discover under a microscope, while deep sea diving, or digging through the ruins of a lost civilization. Of course discovering or growing your Mystic through science or enjoying nature isn't reserved for just atheists. It is the Mystic who prays and or meditates, who listens for inspiration, who comforts when people need comforting, who keeps hope alive, who has faith in the unknown and the unseen, and who believes. Think of the Mystic as the sun and all the other characters are planets around it, getting their energy from the Mystic and in return caring and nourishing the Mystic as the Mystic in turn cares for and nourishes them.
And some of you are saying "You are weird!" And the Mystic in me just shrugs because I know.